About me

I'm a software developer and programmer with a strong passion for the subject. With more than 5 years of experience ranging from web to IOT, from games to servers, I've learned a lot from the various fields, and some of the knowledge that I've acquired from one field are applicable in other fields.

Having similar experiences with electronics, being almost 3 years of experience, it's not my strongest skillset, but I'm actively working on improving.

This website is an (incomplete) collection of everything I've learned so far. To me, it serves two purposes: the first one is for me to see that I've actually have a thorough understanding about something. The more detailed I can get in explaining something, the better I know it, so it's a good way for me to get a feel for how well I understand something. The second reason is to allow passing on the knowledge to others, so other people can also learn how things work under the hood.

If you have any questions or comments about this site or any document on it, you can contact me at gustaf@hanicef.me. I'm not the fastest at answering, though, so I can't guarantee that I answer the same day.

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